Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Week 2 Results

I'm down .8 lbs. Not great, but I KNEW week 2 would be hard. I'm NOT giving up though. I'm not even discouraged! I'm working HARD and I KNOW it will pay off! There is now way it WONT! It's has to. That's how our bodies work.

What's workin for me:

Tracking ALL my calories, the good, bad and the ugly, on myfitnesspal.com
Running at night, I don't stay out past 10:15 because when it's too dark it does freak me out
ZUMBA! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ZUMBA!!!!!!!! There is a free class offered at my church tuesday and every other thursday and I am ALLLLLLLLLLL over that! I LOVE IT!
Owning 2 5lbs dumbbells so I can do strength training at home, at this point I don't think I'm going to get a gym membership, I'm doing too well on my own
Long walks with the kids in the stroller
I love munching on the long carrots from the store, they are sweeter to me and I probably look like a rabbit, but it's fun and about 30 calories, I don't know, I just like it
I love the new laughing cow cheese, garlic and herb is my favorite! 35 calories a wedge
Water water water, I LOVE water. I'm not drinking anything BUT water (except one diet coke that I shared with my husband)
I love to have grapefruit in the morning
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE pineapple! 75 calories for a cup of chopped pineapple, great snack!

Things that are NOT working for me:

Yoga, I'm NOT a yoga person! Not At All!
Pushups, not a fan of pushups, I will still do them occasionally, but it's not my go to for strength
My old running shoes! They are like 6 years old or OLDER I can't remember.
My different pains from getting back into shape. First it was my left second toe (it's longer then by big toe) and I would curl my toe under when I ran and it felt like a big bruise when I was done. Then it was my knees, then it was the arch of my right foot and NOW it's my whole right heal! It hurst SO BAD! When I wake up in the morning, I can barely even limp on it, I'm not kidding. It feels like the heal bone is trying to squish out the bottom of my foot. and it slowly hurts less and less and by the end of the day it's just a dull ache so I go running at night again. I really don't know what to do. I'm just hoping it goes away at this point.
Peanut butter, I cannot just have 2 table spoons (which is 200 calories!!! Yikes) I want WAY more then that. It's just not a safe food
MONDAY weigh ins is THE hardest part of the whole competition! Which is good because it challenges me not to take the weekend off. It's just that when my husband has the weekend off, we want to go somewhere which means eating on the go which means not very healthy options. OR we have had people ever every weekend for dinners and for some reason I cannot control myself. I don't know what it is. It's like I don't want to hurt their feelings by not eating as much as they do. It feels like I'm telling them that they are fat or that they eat too much. I NEED to control that MUCH better.

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