Every week there are 2 different set of challenges. Exercise and Healthy habits. This weeks healthy habits was to clean out our pantry of all junk and processed foods and challenge out selves to eat natural foods. Still workin on that one. But the exercise challenge was a fitness test. I just want to write my results here so that I can come back to them in a few weeks when the challenge comes up again and compare.
1. How many crunches can you do in 2 minutes?
2. How many push ups (girl if you have to) can you do in 2 minutes?
3. How long can you hold a wall squat?
4. How long does it take you to do 150 step ups with out stopping?
5. How many jumping jacks can you do in 2 minutes?
1. 79
2. 45
3. 2:15
4. 3:55
5. 130
Kind of exciting to do things like this so you can look back and see how far you have come. I really can't wait to do it again and compare! And I am excited to do another 5k and see if I can get a better time. But with that being said, I haven't ran since monday (tonight's thursday) because it hurts my right knee so bad. So I've decided that instead of killing myself and limping around, that I would stick with briskly walking with the stroller for longer periods of time to get my body used to moving me, and then I would give jogging another try in a few weeks. I don't want to give up on it. It just hurts so bad. I can't even explain the pain. It just aches so much. But I'm not going to let it stop me. I'm in this. I did have a hard day on monday, and I am doing the #1 thing you should NOT do when your trying to lose weight, I'm weighing myself every day and getting really discouraged that it has actually gone UP 2 pounds! I knew coming into this that week 2 is always the hardest. I need to just have a good weekend, good meaning no cheating on my or eating the wrong calories, and it really will be okay. It's going to take time. I really want to start running, but I'll wait for my knees sake.
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