Saturday, June 11, 2011


Time: 43:53

This morning was the BIG 5k. I could NOT sleep last night! I even woke up an hour early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, but by 6:45 I gave up and got ready. I can not even tell you how nervous I was. I really haven't been that nervous in a long time! I'm not gonna lie to you, it was tough! For a few different reasons, but mainly because I'm not in good shape... yet. It was a lot to do this soon in this competition. I did jog the first 2 miles without stopping (and NOT at my slow pace, so it was a killer!) then I walked for a little while, probably 1/2 a mile, but not just walking "granny power walking" if you know what I'm talking about and then I jogged the rest. I feel really good about it, now that the dead tired, sore and starving feelings have gone away.

Things I learned:
1. Don't wear Josh's old white t-shirts, they look terrible on me because the shoulder seem is halfway to my elbow and makes my arms look even fatter. Always wear shirts designed for girls!
2. I need to remeasure the distance around my neighborhood that I thought was 2 miles because it was tough making it the 2, but there are some other factors that made it tough too
3. My jogging pace is really really slow
4. I might be more of a solo runner because I tried to keep up with my friend and that way SO hard on me because she is in MUCH better shape then I am and I know I held her back. We split up at the half way mark and I'm completely okay with that because I knew she wanted to do her best.
5. Gravel is defiantly harder to run on then cement
6. Even the slightest incline while running makes it much tougher. The trail by the lake that we ran on is pretty long and so we jogged to the halfway marker and came back to the church to finish the race and coming back was SO TOUGH because you were jogging up hill the whole way back.
7. Costco muffins are 690 calories. They had water, banana and muffins at the finish line and I probably didn't even burn that many calories while jogging, no thanks! And even if I did burn that many calories, I just worked my BUNS OFF! I'm not about to undo all that hard work with a muffin
8. Don't forget when you sign up to clean the church!
9. I need new running shoes. Mine make my second toe on my left foot hurt and I got 2 blisters on that foot. Boo
10. I have the most amazing friends!

The 5k (it was also a 10K and 2 crazy fast runners finished their 10k before I finished my 5)) was put together by some people at my church. So we met at the church building and the lake trail is right off the back of the parking lot. Well, after the race, a friend of mine came up to me and said "did you remember your family signed up to clean the building?" Darn! So after the race I downed my water and half a banana and even though I was sweaty and tired, I cleaned the church for 2 hours! When I got home, I was completely dead. No energy. Useless. It was so many things combined, running to fast, not being in great shape, not eating enough and not sleeping the night before. I was a B when I got home and it made me wonder if doing all this is really worth it. I don't want to take out my frustration and extreme soreness on my family. I love my family. More than anything else in the world. But after I got some rest, ate more than I normally do in the competition, and took it easy, I'm feeling much better. At the end of the day I'm really proud of myself and I'm go glad that I did this! I will probably do it again to see if I can get a better time! But I think I need to slow down a little bit. I'm doing way too much too fast. This is a LONG journey to lose all this weight. I don't want to burn out so I need to pace myself every day. I didn't put the weigh on over night and it's not going to come off over night either. BTW I still LOVE my sports bra! This thing is AMAZING!

Lined up, ready to race!
This is one of my very best friends
Love her like crazy!
(I look pregnant!)

Didn't realize I stuck my chin out that much when I run

Right after I was done (she finished way before me)
Look how RED I am! ha ha Even my THUMB is red!

My new favorite shirt! I earned that baby!
wish it said 5k on it

My blisters =/

Great experience! One for the books! Or blog hee hee

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